2022 Double Up Food Bucks Application is NOW OPEN!

Interested in Double Up as a Site?

Request for Applications Period Now Open!

Are you interested in applying? What are the benefits for participating in Double Up Food Bucks?

Double Up Food Bucks brings more money to produce vendors, more money to our farmers, makes produce more affordable and accessible for our community members, and more money stays in the community. Everybody wins!

Who can apply? Stores are encouraged tp apply for Double Up Food Bucks if they are:

  • Located in New your State
  • Accept SNAP Benefits
  • Are located in a high need area (at or above the state average of SNAP usage
  • Are committed to sourcing local produce
  • Show a commitment and willingness to serve their community


How do you apply?

Fill out and application

  • Seasona marketers have RFA period in early spring
  • Year-round location can apply at an time


To apply, you need the following information and materials

  • Historic SNAP sales from previous 2 years
  • FNS number
  • POS system information (if applicable)
  • SNAP POS system information


Timeline for Site Development

Completed applications are due by 5pm on Monday, April 4, 2022.

Applications with a time stamp after 5pm on Monday, April 4, 2022, will not be eligible for consideration

Talk to Us

Thank you for answering a few questions about Double Up. We use the information you provide to help improve Double Up Food Bucks for everyone.